Stop food wastage

Easy ways to reduce food waste

  1. Shop smart
  2. Store food correctly
  3. Learn to preserve
  4. Save Leftovers
  5. Be a Seed Saver
  6. Make Homemade Stock
  7. Recycle Food waste
  • Recycle Food waste

  • Last but not the least. Recycling leftover food to organic fertiliser is a beneficial way to reuse food scraps, turning food waste into energy for plants.
                                       While not everyone has room for an outdoor recycling system, but Solwearth Ecotech food waste conveters that make this practice easy and accessible for everyone, even those with limited space.
                                   The Automatic organic waste converter  of Solwearth Ecotech may work well for someone with a garden. SE food waste converter takes your organic wastes, compresses the ninety percent of its volume and gives back fertiliser supplement that can be used to run a beautiful garden. And all of this takes just around 12-15 hours. 

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