Comparison between Existing models and Solwearth Ecotech

Existing models

  • Additives or bacteria needed for processing
  • Fresh water needed for processing
  • Output from shredders, pulpers, disposers etc can be used only for landfill purpose
  •  Need segregation among organic waste;leaves unpleasant odour and emissions
  • Time & energy taken to process waste in these systems are also high
  • Space Requirement is high
  • More Man power requirement

SE Food waste converters (Solwearth Ecotech)

  • No Bacteria or Additives required.
  • No Fresh water needed for processing.
  • 90% Volume Reduction and can be reused as soil supplement, no need for landfill.
  • No segregation of organic waste needed No Emissions, Venting, Smoke or Odour during the process.
  • Relatively Minimal Power & Processing time required
  • Compact Machine with Minimal Footprint
  • Low Maintenance and Easy to Install & Use

Solwearth Ecotech reduces Organic Waste Volume by 90% and transforms it into healthy soil supplement within hours.So think about recycling along with solwearth Ecotech.

For more info visit our website:


  1. This is excellent information. Thanks for sharing.
    Composting Machine


    Your information is really awesome as well as it is very excellent and i got more interesting information from your blog.
    Organic Waste Converter


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