Why the Business of Ugly fruits and veggies Is So Complicated

A great deal of fruits and vegetables are rejected by shops for purely for cosmetic reasons such as shape, size or colour. In that case the production doesn’t even leave the farm it was cultivated in, but instead gets thrown away. In countries where garbage is recycled, food waste is gathered in huge landfills, where it’s later covered with a thin layer of soil, and left to become natural compost. However, this in itself is a problem as well. 
                                         Unfortunately, these landfills become a serious environmental problem. The lowest levels of the landfills contain no oxygen. As the food rots, it gets eaten by anaerobic micro organism which release methane. This gas has a strong negative impact on global warming. In the landfills without recycled materials, there are also plastics, glass, metals and other elements that require a long time to deteriorate.
                                            Whatever be the organic waste, recycle with SE Food waste converters. Fruits, Vegetables and all the organic wastes can be easily converted with this organic waste converter machine. This Automatic organic waste converter is efficent and budjet friendly. Use this and go green solwearth.
To know more: www.solwearth.com


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