What to do with the Food Waste in the Workplace?

Have you ever gone out to eat out with your colleagues and completely forgotten about your box of leftovers in the fridge? Or brought your apple to work and when you got to the core, not known what to do with it? There is no “organics” bin in many offices. So, you throw it in the trash. One apple core may not be a big deal. But it’s not just one apple core, offices across your city are tossing their apple cores in the trash every day and that adds up. 
                                                         Food waste is a global issue, but local and individual actions are a big contributor. A banana peel that you threw in the trash, or the leftover food from the canteen that nobody ate during the day.”

Below are some ideas and tips, that can help you reduce Food Waste in your office.

  • Identify a food waste champion in your office to coordinate the events- Change can start with one person, so whether that person is passionate about the environment, or is just good at inspiring others, it will be important to designate one person to manage the events and get employees to be more mindful about what they are putting in the landfills.
  • Understand what your office is already doing to prevent food waste- Every office is different, so it’s important to understand the problems of your own office in order to take the appropriate action
  • Hold a contest for best wasted food recipes- Our employees were able to show off their cooking skills by submitting “wasted food” recipes
  • Last but not the least use organic waste converter machine from Solwearth Ecotech for recycling food waste in your office- Solwearth Ecotech is the Well-known organic waste converter manufacturers in India, launched an automatic organic waste converter as a complete solution to the food waste management problems. Your food wastes can be recycled into a good quality soil supplement and can be used for growing plants. If you take the effort to use this food waste converters in your workplace, you are taking a good intiative to protect our environment and your and your colleagues health too.
   To know more about the Owc machine: www.Solwearth.com


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