Public awareness for successful waste management.

A critical component in any waste management program is public awareness and participation. Waste is the result of human activities and everyone needs to have a proper understanding of waste management issues. Waste can be considered as nothing but valuable material at the wrong place. There is no substance in this world, which is not useful in one-way or other. It’s man’s ignorance that he considers certain things as waste and other thing as useful.
                                       With the development as types of waste are changing, the attitude of people towards waste should be changed. People must realize that the waste which they throwing in the streets are not actually waste it is the raw material for some other processes.
                         Nowadays the important subject that affects and worries mankind is the issues concerned with food waste management. Food wastage affects us in many different ways. Use Solwearth Automatic organic waste converter to manage and recycle the food waste with ease and use the soil supplement for nourishes plants. 
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