Manage food waste in hotels using SE food waste converters

Hotel industry is witnessing the tremendous growth these days in India. Hotel and restaurant industry is one of the major player in the growth of Tourism as a whole in India, since hotels use a very high number of natural resources from energy to food it is needed that sustainable practices must be adopted and managing the huge amounts of waste  generated is  one of the  major concern. 
                                The generation of this waste and managing it is not only a financial problem but environmental problem too. Since the waste produced here is bio degradable in nature but requires large landfills, and the time to degrade this food waste takes so much time than we imagine and also it affects environment by producing methane gas which produces green house effect.
                                    The hotel sector should have to increasingly aware of the importance of addressing food waste. Operating your hotel more responsibly and introducing sustainable practices such as recycling food waste, can help increase your hotel’s popularity among customers.
                                       Turning something such as food waste into a productive item is the kind of bold step Solwearth Ecotech take towards ecological well-being. Food waste converter is ideal for food waste management in the food industry, canteen waste management, Hotel catering etc. 

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