Garden recycling- Reusing your garden waste to grow food

About half of household garbage is made up of food and garden waste. Garden waste thrown into your garbage bin ends up in landfill, where it breaks down in a way that can create greenhouse gases, including methane, which affect air quality and public health.It is necessary to reduce these garden wastes to avoid pollution.

What from garden you can recycle?

  • Flowers
  • Grass clippings
  • Leaves
  • Small branches
  • Small prunings
  • Twigs
  • Weeds

Benefits of composting through garbage to garden

Financial & Convenience Benefits

  • Saves money
  • Greatly reduces trash volume & eliminates trash odor
  • Reduces trash bag costs
  • Keeps kitchen cleaner and trash easier to carry
  • Easy open & close lid keeps odors in and critters out
  • Never buy potting soil again
  • Earn free service by volunteering or our referral program 

Environmental Benefits

  • Supports school & community programs
  • Reduces landfills and methane emissions
  • Compost increases soil fertility, cleans water bodies, reduces stormwater run-off, increases nutrition of food grown in compost, and improves air quality
  • Participation is Voluntary
Our product SE Food Waste Converter is a revolutionary machine capable of solving the ongoing problem of food waste management in India. What we have to offer is not just a unique solution but a healthy alternative to other methods of organic food waste disposal. SE food waste converter takes your organic wastes, compresses the ninety percent of its volume and gives back fertilizer supplement that can be used to run a beautiful garden. And all of this takes just around 12-15 hours.

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    Organic Waste Converter


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